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Diversity in Paediatrics

KCL Paediatric Society presents to you our first ever hybrid conference! We will be holding our first in-person conference in 2 years due to Covid restrictions, and will also be hosting the conference online for our global friends who cannot make it.
We are also accepting abstract submissions. Submit your abstracts here for a chance to present your research at our wonderful conference! Prize for 1st place will be a free 1 year subscription to Quesmed. 1st-3rd places will all be receiving posters!


Marie Monaghan is a Paediatric Registrar working in Bristol in Paediatric Neurology. She has worked with MSF on 3 missions between 2018-2019; 1 in the Yazidi town of Sinuni and 1 in Mosul, both in Northern Iraq, and 1 in Niger. She has also worked in Myanmar for 6 months.

Michael is a consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. He has worked in a number of settings overseas, including: Myanmar, Iraq, Sudan, Niger and South Sudan, with MSF and the Royal College of Paediatrics. He continues to be involved in programmes to support paediatric care across Myanmar and is a tutor and dissertation supervisor at the University of Bristol's Global Health BSc.

Dr Kokul is a MRCPH qualified Paediatric ST2 trainee in Northwest London. He is highly passionate about medical education and engages frequently through his Instagram platform 'ThePaedsDoc'. He hopes to alleviate clinician fears of working with children and inspire the younger generation to pursue a career in Paediatrics. Dr Kokul's interests lie in Paediatric Emergency Medicine & Critical Care.

Dr Brady was appointed as the National Advisor for LGBT Heath at NHS England in April 2019. In his new role, Dr Brady works across NHS England and NHS Improvement, with the Government Equalities Office and a wide range of stakeholders, partner organisations and the LGBT community to address health inequalities for LGBT individuals and improve experience in the NHS. Michael is also a HIV and Sexual Health Consultant at King's College Hospital in London and the Medical Director of the Terrence Higgins Trust.

Professor Baba Inusa is a Professor of Paediatric Haematology and Sickle Cell Disease. Women's and Children's Academic Health and is a part of the FoLSM for King's College London. Evelina London Children's Hospital & GSTT NHS Foundation Trust. He is the Chair of the National Haemoglobinopathy Panel, overseeing equitable services across haemoglobinopathy centres in England and leading MDT meetings on complex patients and high-cost therapies.
He has published widely in high impact journals, leads multiple new drug therapies in Sickle Cell Disease, as well as research in sickle cell nephropathy, stroke and quality of life, with a special interest in global haemotology, leading newborn screening projects in Africa. He is the founder of the Academy for Sickle Cell & Thalassaemia (ASCAT) and co-founder of the Sickle Cell Cohort Research Foundation (ASCAT) and co-founder of the Sickle Cell Cohort Research Foundation (SCORE), Nigeria.

Paulina Pérez-Duarte Mendiola, MD, MSc, is a clinical paediatrician, medical anthropologist & university professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Her career has focussed on improving the holistic outcomes of children's health and addressing healthcare inequalities.
Having competed her Paediatric Residency in Mexico, she then joined their Emergency Department, and now holds a Master's degree in Medical Anthropology from UCL, where her research focussed on the impact of 'Play' on sick-childrens' development. Currently in her role as a 'Play & Health' researcher, she is a PhD student at PEDAL with the University of Cambridge. The main aim of her doctoral research is to capture children's perspectives regarding 'Hospital Specialised Play Intervention'.

Jessica O'Logbon has recently completed her 3rd year of medical school and is currently intercalating in a Master's at Cambridge University with the Psychiatry department. In 2016, she was unsuccessful in her medical school applications, so she worked an an NHS Healthcare Assistant during her gap year, where she was the youngest employee to be awarded the 'Make a Difference' award for her positive contributions to patient care. She has now become a Widening Participation champion to inspire other students who have been unsuccessful in their medical school applications to try again.
Alongside her studies, Jessica runs an online platform, Progress with Jess, through which she mentors prospective medical students and shares advice and opportunities for current students to close the attainment gap and help them develop personally and professionally beyond their medical careers.

SABL is a volunteering scheme run under KCL Paediatric Society. We as students are trained by the Royal Life Saving Society in baby and child CPR and choking techniques. We run sessions throughout the month where we go out into the community to teach parents, carers of anyone who wants to learn more about how to save a bab'y life at nurseries and family centres. It is a highly rewarding scheme and a valuable skill to learn!

Dr Bidisha has been a Consultant Paediatrician in Community Child Health for the last 17 years. She specialises in neurodevelopment disabilities and runs multidisciplinary clinics for children and young people with developmental disabilities, such as autistic spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, behavioural feeding difficulties and developmental delay.
Dr Bidisha is the Clinical Director of Children's Community Services, Evelina London, GSTT NHS Foundation Trust, London. She has several undergraduate and postgraduate teaching responsibilities as Training Programme Director, College Tutor, Regional Advisor for RCPCH, and a member of Advocacy Committee of RCPCH, and is currently a tutor for MSc in Paediatric Neurodisability course. She was the member of the guideline development group that developed the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines in cerebral palsy in under 25s, assessment and management. She continues as a member of a panel of expert advisors for the NICE centre guidelines. She has several publications.
Contact Dr Shahid Karim with any questions by emailing him at

Dr Shahid is a General Paediatric Consultant at King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London. A recently appointed Consultant, he isn't all that far from where you are, and remembers the challenges and huge rewards of training and Paediatrics as a career! Shahid was a founding member of the London School of Paediatrics Trainee Committee, previous lead trainee for the recruitment sub-committee, and has also been Vice-Chair for Paediatrics in South London . He remains impassioned by his trainee colleagues and is committed to improving quality, experience and support for both trainee doctors and that of our patients.
Alongside a clinical interest in acute/ hyper-acute paediatrics, he is also interested in management, leadership and education. Having worked closely with the RCPCH for many years, he continues to contribute as an active member of the RCPCH exam board, helping to shape and develop the national paediatric recruitment materials and processes. Keen to think differently, innovate and break down barriers, he worked part-time in the final years of training, while also studying for an MBa at Imperial College Business School.
Dr Shahid would love to hear from you, particularly your ideas to further improve our training & to help achieve our joint goal of delivering ever-improving high-quality and compassionate care.
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