Role Development
At KCL Paediatric Society, we aim for constant development and improvement. Check out some examples of how our committee members have developed during this challenging year!
Ryan, 19/09/2020
President 2020-21
It’s a big step up from Vice-President to President, I feel a lot more responsible for the society (rightly so!). In just the last few months I’ve learnt so much about what it means to be a President, the following are a few key areas I need to work on/accomplishments thus far.
Held a successful society meeting with a full agenda
Set up a cross-society webpage to help new KCL students adjust to uni life
Helped facilitate a brand new interview series for our social media
Prepared the society for a COVID-19 year
Listened to and taken feedback on board
I’ve tried to be organised, approachable, considerate and make sure I'm always clear
I need to not make assumptions about people knowing information and brief everyone before a meeting
I need to be more confident on Zoom!

My role as conference chair has been different this year and had to adapt due to the pandemic. However, we have had regular meetings over Zoom and have been planning for the conference to go ahead. This year my role has relied on my ability to adapt and think outside the box and has certainly been different but remains enjoyable!

Holly, 08/11/2020
Conference Chair

Being the Publicity Officer is so much fun - I've learned how to edit videos for the social media interview series and welcome fair, and never in my life did I think I would learn how to make a website, let alone two! I've been trying really hard to keep people engaged with the society despite Covid, through keeping our Instagram account active with super colourful posts, and the stories interactive with polls and questions. I think it's paying off though, because we've more than doubled our followers this year!
Jasmine, 16/01/2021
Publicity Officer
My adaptability to COVID ensured that our annual traditions of charity events wouldn’t go unkept. I listened to the feedback given by students who attended welcome week and applied it to subsequent events (Halloween quiz). I’ve developed communication skills in the meetings I’ve attended. I’ve also learnt the importance of proper planning to ensure a successful event. I’m hoping that the success of our events will be reflected in the attendance level of future events.

Joey, 06/11/2020
Charity Events Officer

Have contacted doctors to set up research placements and have secured several projects for students to apply to. Have also organised a research series for medical students. In the process of developing projects for students to complete.
Tope, 01/10/2020
Research Officer
Teddy Bear Hospital Team, 22/09/2020
During the past few months, the TBH team has been preparing to run the sessions as COVID-safely as possible, planning how to adapt the sessions to meet PSHE aims, and working on generating feedback from the schools we visit. The development of TBH so far has included the following:
Redesigning the TBH logo and making updated pages for the website. Creating a session guide for volunteers.
Creating feedback forms to be given to teachers and volunteers. Planning a new handwashing station for the scheme in response to COVID19.
Planning adaptations to stations to maximise hygiene and safety of the sessions, and considering new equipment needed to aid this - e.g. hand sanitiser.
Sourcing new equipment for the project - items easier to clean - that will be purchased prior to the start of the scheme.

TBH Coordinator

TBH Officer

TBH Officer

TBH Officer

SABL Coordinator

Save A Baby's Life Team, 06/011/2020
Had to adapt our scheme to shift it online, this has proved difficult as our scheme is very interactive however both the officers and myself have worked extremely hard to accommodate the new reality of being online!
Having a committee role is something I haven’t had before so getting this role has already helped me grow. I was able to show some leadership by emailing nurseries for the team and calling the RLSS coordinator. As well as this, working as a team to figure out what we can do in terms of covid has been helpful and challenging with the changing guidelines.
SABL Officer
Bedside Fun Team, 19/01/2020
I have loved being part of the BSF team! The pandemic has meant I have had to be adaptable and think of innovative ways to engage students and provide an insight into Paediatrics. I suggested creating our new interview series and being involved in its establishment has taught me so much about how to sustainably create projects and utilise social media to improve outreach.

BSF Officer